This page provides a collection of blogs on the theme of Cultural Heritage and participatory activity in culture:

  • DIGITALMEETSCULTURE A magazine dedicated to digital technologies applied to Cultural Heritage and arts.
  • INNOVATORS IN CULTURAL HERITAGE A social platform for the stakeholders in Cultural Heritage. InnovatorsInCulturalHeritage provides services for supporting events, working spaces, messages, blogs. It also include a digital library.
  • PHOTOCONSORTIUM An international Association dedicated to valuing photographic heritage. The blog of Photoconsortium provides news on projects, exhibitions, conferences and other initiatives in the domain of photography and digital photographic heritage.
  • REACH Blog A blog constantly updated with news related to the project and more generally to all initiatives in the field of cultural heritage and participatory approaches to culture and social innovation. It is meant to be a useful tool to engage with a wider audience of both professionals and the general public.
  • VIMM-Platform A sustainable platform engaging Digital Cultural Heritage stakeholders. It is aimed to analyse and promote the role of Virtual Museums as a strategic resource for Europe, as a cultural, social, environmental and economic value by stimulating exchange and discussions among all involved and interested parties.
  • UNCHARTED Blog A blog with news related to the UNCHARTED project and more generally to all the initiatives in the field of cultural heritage that highlight the different values ​​associated with culture, their configuration and the political impuls that these values ​​could deliver to society.