Title D6.2 Good Practices of Social Participation in Cultural Heritage
Creator Maurizio Toscano (UGR), Silvana Colella (COVUNI)
Subject Good Practices of Social Participation in CH
This is a deliverable of REACH Project: the REACH repository of good practices related to social participation in cultural heritage is a fundamental component of the Social Platform established by the REACH project. This deliverable provides a critical reading of a selection of activities that have been collected in the REACH repository and has a threefold purpose: to explain in detail the methodology adopted for the collection of good practices; to offer a quantitative reading of the data gathered in the repository so far; to analyse the most recurrent participatory approaches and public engagement strategies that emerge from the records included in the REACH dataset.
Publisher REACH Project
Date February 2019
Type Report
Format PDF, 1,59 Mb
Language English
Rights Management Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Creative Commons