Title REACH D5.4 – Rural heritage pilot results
Creator José María Martín Civantos, María Teresa Bonet García (both UGR); Mauro Fazio, Anna Caterina Carli (both the Italian Ministry of Economic Development – MISE), Paola Nella Branduini and Fabio Carnelli (Politecnico of Milan) and Marie-Louise Crawley and Tim Hammerton (both Coventry University – COVUNI)%MCEPASTEBIN%
Subject The activity of the Rural heritage pilot.
Description This deliverable outlines the current situation and activities undertaken to build dialogue and consensus for CH preservation in rural areas. The Rural heritage pilot explored participative mediation processes involving a range of local stakeholders: farmers and communities on the one hand, and administrative and institutional bodies on the other.
Publisher REACH Project
Date October 2020
Type Report
Format PDF, 4.1 MB
Language English
Rights Management Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Creative Commons